LFA Artists’ News
To view LFA Members Exhibitions prior to April 2020, please click this pdf link.

Geraldine Thompson
LFA Summer 20 online exhibition
Skelwith Bridge Cumbria 1
Oil on canvas
36×34 cm

Alison Flowers
Experimenting. Works in progress.
[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] As yet untitled. Possibly one for Dean Clough What would happen if…..?This question is always at the forefront of my mind when I’m working. One of the most life giving aspects of the process for me is experimenting with all sorts of different materials and combining them to…

Lesley Birch
Cornwall Exhibition
I’m taking part in my first ‘in the flesh’ show in Cornwall – It’s called SEEING THE LIGHT and it’s a brand a new gallery for me – I shall be showing new oil landscapes created during lockdown

Emma Whitelock
LFA Summer 20 online exhibition
Towards Hope
Acrylic and mixed media
55×55 cm framed

Jane Burgess
Missing the sea and the beach
On the Beach, North Yorkshire I decided to work on this painting because I’ve been missing the sea and the beach! I have always loved people watching on beaches and have lots of small pencil drawings and photos of groups on various beaches. It’s called ‘On the beach, North Yorkshire’ It’s still on the easel,…

Geraldine Thompson
The Bradford City Square Big Screen
Monsignor J Kennedy I will be exhibiting three portraits throughout July on the Bradford City Square Big Screen. My portrait of Monsignor J Kennedy, Rector of The Venerable English College Rome, is held in the college’s Rome collection. The college is a 500 year old beautiful building situated in the centre of Rome, close to…

Annie Robinson
‘Straight from the studio – Work in progress’
The first few weeks of lockdown found me unable to carry on with work I had been doing or planned to do, I felt sort of stuck, even going to the studio was a challenge! But then I started to realise that I now had more time to paint than before and less other commitments…

Sharron Astbury-Petit
Veronica’s Choice
Veronica’s Choice work in progress Now that the days are getting longer and warmer I am spending much more time outside in my garden, and so the impulse to capture some of its glorious flowers in paint grows ever stronger. I am currently painting my favourite clematis “Veronica’s Choice”, whose flowers are stunningly beautiful this…

Pauline Meade
Day out in Whitby
Linoprint ‘Day out in Whitby’ I finished this linoprint ‘Day out in Whitby’ in February this year from sketches made in normal times. It was intended for the LFA exhibition to be held at the Stanley and Audrey Burton gallery later this year, inspired by works from the Leeds University Art collection. I chose a…

Trevor Pittaway
Painting Poppies
I’ve always loved poppies from being child. Still restricted to home because of Covid 19 I can’t go out and find wild poppies to paint. However we have loads of garden poppies that have just started flowering. They look magnificent and the weather is beautiful so have been painting poppies in the garden