George Hainsworth

Although I am strongly concerned with abstract composition and formal engagement, my work is at all times figurative in the broadest understanding of that term.

Painting and Sculpture have been my prime forms of expression throughout my career, with Drawing as a constant autonomous and influential activity. Besides this, I was a teacher, which was integral to the development of my work and its underlying philosophy.

Over the course of my career I have explored themes that have interested me at the time and this flexibility has allowed me to rediscover paths I had forgotten. After working for some time with sculptural materials, a vase of flowers re-awakened a fascination with paint and colour which continues to give me pleasure and inspiration.

In recent years I have been working on and returning to a variety of themes which include the landscape and the sea as well as flower painting and still life. I work mainly in oil on panel or oil on canvas, but have a growing body of work where I have used pastel as my medium.

email: georgehainsworth