Linda Harrison

My art work satisfies my personal need for self expression.

I am a colourist, using soft and oil pastels both traditionally and experimentally, with various  supports : handmade papers, textured card, sandpaper, canvas, and surface mediums.

Working with pastels, I enjoy the direct application of pure pigment, the response to the surfaces they connect with, their strong qualities of colour, immediacy and change.  Soft pastel seems forgiving and playful; oil pastel, tolerant, and responsive towards harsher treatment. Both continue to offer unbounded opportunities for colour experimentation, technique, the tensions between harmony and conflict, balance and design.

Working on several projects simultaneously prevents any risk of preciousness or inhibition!

I attempt to leave some mystery in my work by not presenting a complete explanation, to encourage the viewer to make their interpretation a personal one.

Influences include the Scottish Colourists, Cezanne, Picasso and Ben Nicholson.

Photographs, found objects, plus a body of mixed media work, provide an invaluable resource for future ideas and projects.

2012 Digital Photography, Open University
2008 MA. Contemporary Fine Art Practice, Leeds Metropolitan University
2003 BA. Hons. 2:1. Open University

Leeds Fine Artist Group, Exhibiting member                                                       
East Street Arts, Leeds, member
Co-founder Central Art Studios, Keighley

email: leclowes