John Sherwood
I live and work full-time as an artist in Skipton, North Yorkshire.
My view of what I am doing develops and evolves as my creative activities progress. The approach remains flexible and is open-ended in terms of outcome. I have no firm preconceptions as to what I do, other than perhaps that I see ‘art’ as being a tool that interacts positively with my life. I pursue what makes itself apparent, at any stage of the process, leaving an unfolding slipstream of outcomes behind me. This all happens via a variety of approaches. My media so far have included painting, drawing, mixed media, collage, digital art, photography, sound recordings, image and text, the written word, and performance. Through these I am primarily ‘talking to myself’ but see it as a bonus if I can engage with others as well. My collage-like ‘Amalgams’ amount to an axis for the overall process in that they can draw separate pre-existing elements together, and in addition, can provide me with a place in which I can tease things out and explore them.
Instagram: johnsherwood622